Strange cgridview

Hi all,i have a problem maybe some of you can give me ideas for this problem.

i put 4 Cgrid view in 1 view,this is the code


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














			'value'=>'CHtml::link( \'View\', array(\'ChildData/view\',\'id\'=>$data->id))' ,



		//array('name'=>'child_Data', 'value'=>'$data->childData->lksa_data_id'),




<h1>Anak Dalam Asuhan Panti </h1>


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














			'value'=>'CHtml::link( \'View\', array(\'ChildData/view\',\'id\'=>$data->id))' ,



		//array('name'=>'child_Data', 'value'=>'$data->childData->lksa_data_id'),




<h1>Anak Dalam Asuhan Keluarga </h1>


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














			'value'=>'CHtml::link( \'View\', array(\'ChildData/view\',\'id\'=>$data->id))' ,



		//array('name'=>'child_Data', 'value'=>'$data->childData->lksa_data_id'),




<h1>Anak yang melebihi 18 tahun </h1>


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(














			'value'=>'CHtml::link( \'View\', array(\'ChildData/view\',\'id\'=>$data->id))' ,



		//array('name'=>'child_Data', 'value'=>'$data->childData->lksa_data_id'),




actually it works fine until i want going to page 2 in one of my cgridview,there are the picture before 2278


You have this


for every grid. Make that unique and your problem will be gone.

try use ajaxUpdate= false in cgridview. can Solve this problem. work fine for me.

… and refuse CGridView AJAX benefits. In this case you should follow enfield’s solution too to get things work proper way.

thanks i’ve changed id and now it works great :D