Update ajax buttton content after submitting

i need to implement functionality like twitter in which after clicking "following" button, the request is send and the button name now changes to "unfollow". I was going through this tutorial. What can i edit in this tutorial to update the button name after clicking over it…or can anyone guide what option to look for to implement this.

i just give my thought ,but never do it reality :

     there are there concepts  involved ,  user  some_topic and follow(it is a relation);

user can follow every thing such as user , topic , post ,image etc… this means if the followed target changed you should notify the follower .

i may design a follow table like this : follow(id, user_id, model_class, model_id )

if click the follow button use ajax to insert a record , switch "follow" to "unfolow" when ajax success

return back , using js do that is easy !

you generate a Follow class using gii/giix…

       $follow = new Follow();  

       $follow->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;

       $follow->model_class = 'the class of target model'; //you post it with ajax $_POST['ModelClass']

       $follow->model_id = $_POST['model_id'];

       $follow->save();//then save it  ,may be you should check if the current user had follow the target already 

next time if you load the model ,you should check whether current user has followed it :

  in model class :

       public function hasFollowed($userId){

         $modelClass = get_class($this);

         $modelId = $this->id;


          return Follow::model()->exists('user_id=:uid AND model_class=:modelClass AND model_id=:modelId', array (':uid'=>$userId,':modelClass'=>$modelClass,':modelId'=>$modelId ));



thus in you view.php file , you can check if current user has followed you model ;

     <?php  $followed =  $model->hasFollowed(Yii::app()->user->id); ?>


        // you follow button can use this value to decide which class to apply :


                 if($followed ){

                       render unfollow logic 


                         render follow logic here 



     the unfollow is the same logic just delete a record from you follow table.

the best choice is to write a behavior ,then you can config it to any model you want them have this functionality :

     class FollowBehavior  extends CActiveRecordBehavior{

                 public function hasFollowed($userId){

         $modelClass = get_class($this->getOwner());

         $modelId = $this->getOwner()->id;


          return Follow::model()->exists('user_id=:uid AND model_class=:modelClass AND               model_id=:modelId', array (':uid'=>$userId,':modelClass'=>$modelClass,':modelId'=>$modelId ));




   //you  should implements the unfollow function too  , say in some controller :

      public function actionUnFollow(){

         if(Yii::app()->request->getIsAjaxRequest() && Yii::app()->request->getIsPostRequest){

                 //do unfollow here   $_POST['model_class'] ,$_POST['model_id'], Yii::app()->user->id;

                  above there variables you can use!  accomplish it yourself  <img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> 



there are some additional things you should complete , this is just an start point :rolleyes: