not such file directory.. I am pulling my hair for hours..


I have been pulling my hair for hours because of the error. Here is what I have done:

1)I use mysql, I have created a table like this,

CREATE TABLE testtable (


title VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,

content TEXT NOT NULL,

create_time INTEGER NOT NULL


2)I have created a yii web application and under models directory I have testtable.php as

class testtable extends CActiveRecord


public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


    return parent::model($className);


public function tableName()


    return 'testtable';



3)I have added the following configuration partition to the main.php file under config directory for mysql connection




        'username' => 'onur',

        'password' => '255ist'

        'charset' => 'UTF8'

  1. I have controlled the imports so that my import settings seem to be fine.




5)I have modified the php file under views/site using the following lines.


$testtable = new testtable;

//$test_table->title = "a new title;


echo "save ok";


so it says no such file or directory for the testtable.php… Help me please …

I used Gii, instead of creating the models myself. All of models for all tables have been successfully created

at one time.

This is a case problem… chec your class for proper case…