Oracle PDO problems

I’m trying to use Oracle with Yii under Ubuntu 11.04 (in fact Mint 11, based on this Ubuntu version).

I couldn’t install the OCI and PDO_OCI extensions using the package manager, since there’s nothing about it, but I managed to compile OCI extension by hand. Our production server also uses the pure OCI extension.

But I’m unable to compile PDO_OCI. I’ve tried a couple of different ways, and all of them fail.

A friend of mine told me that Zend_Db uses PDO, but has a layer that allows us to use the pure database extensions of needed.

I would like to know if:


[*]Yii DB modules allows that?

[*]would be viable for a medium Yii developer (me) to create a new adapter that uses pure OCI instead of PDO_OCI?

[*]is it possible to use Zend_Db instead of Yii DB layer?


Thanks in advance!

Hi! I use a Yii extension called phppdo, it help you to emulate the PDO library.