Module, Layout, Theme


Can anyone explain how to get desired :)

I have a module named ‘Collections’

  • protected

– modules

— collections

----- controllers

------ CollectionController.php

----- themes

------ classic

-------- views

--------- layouts

---------- layout.php

--------- view.php

------ modern

-------- views

--------- layouts

---------- layout.php

--------- view.php

----- CollectionModule.php

in CollectionController I have an action ‘view’:

public function init()


    $this->layout = 'layout';


public function actionView($id)


    Yii::app()->theme = 'modern';



Now question: What and where should I write to get this work?

  • Each theme must have own layout and own view files.

  • Each theme is placed in /modules/collections/themes/<theme-name> folder

  • Yii::app()->theme = <theme-name>; switches the theme

Is it possible?

Try setting CThemeManager basePath

Yii::app()->themeManager->basePath = ...

