bug on filter CGridView

is there some one could tell me why if i change the paging on CGridView the filter couldn’t run propertly. it couldn’t search data although on the first it’s work. so it’s work just once. thanks before. here code that i have made :




          &#036;diagnosaM-&gt;attributes = &#036;_GET['DiagnosaM'];


           &#036;this-&gt;widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
















Bacause when you change page make an ajax call where you lost ‘DiagnosaM’ param. If you want to change dataProvider permanently see this:


you have to change search method on you model. and no in the view.

thanks for your attention…but

i am quite confuse…what should i do on my model?. my requirement are just filter. if i change



       $diagnosaM->attributes = $_GET['DiagnosaM'];


leave model as same as default from gii, filter wouldn’t work at all. could u give some example of code? thanks before.