How to add custom template to TinyMCE's template plugin

Can anyone help me how to add a custom template to TinyMCE’s template plugin? When i tried to use the plugin, i don’t see any default template available in the templates’ dropdownlist.

You should use ‘template_templates’ param in ‘options’ as follow





			'options'=> array(


				'skin' => 'o2k7',

				'plugins' => '...,...,...,template',

				'theme_advanced_buttons1' => '...',

				'theme_advanced_buttons2' => '...',

				'theme_advanced_buttons3' => '...',

				'theme_advanced_buttons4' => '...,template,...',

				'template_templates' => array(


							'title'=>'Editor Details',


							'description'=>'Adds Editor Name and Staff ID'








		); ?>