Decimal database fields and input data in ActiveRecord

I have in database (Mysql) few decimal type fields and I want to input numbers with dot (##.##) or comma (##,##) but store only with dot. I used decimali18nbehavior but this convert numbers in beforeValidate and this is for me too late. I can overwrite CActiveRecord::setAttribute method but this is not elegant and I want reuseable solution.

My approach:

Extends CActiveRecord class and create onAfterSet event

class ActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord


  public function setAttribute($name, $value)


    if(parent::setAttribute($name, $value))



      return true;


    return false;



 protected function afterSet($name)




     $event=new CModelEvent($this, $name);


     return $event->isValid;

   } else

   return true;



 public function onAfterSet($event)





And create Behavior to handling this event (and show field)

class DecimalBehavior  extends CActiveRecordBehavior


  public function events()


    return array_merge(parent::events(), array('onAfterSet'=>'afterSet'));


  public function afterSet($event)


    // Check if field is decimal and change comma to dot, eventualy add validators


I wonder if this is correct solution or maybe it’s is more finess solution.