activeRadioButtonList - call action on change


I’m new to Yii and I’m trying to build a form with radio buttons. on change it should update a model.

A user has a status that should be changed as soon as a radio button is clicked

This is my code:

echo CHtml::beginForm(); 


echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($model, 'status', Lookup::items('Status'), 

        array( 'onclick'=> 'this.form.submit()'));

echo CHtml::endForm();

How can I specify which action should be called? How can I do this with ajax in order to update a list on the same site?

Thank you!

//you can do it by setting the form action before submit the form.Try with below coding

echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($model, 'status', Lookup::items('Status'), 

array( 'onclick'=> 'javascript:this.form.action=\'index.php?r=controller\action\';this.form.submit()'));

It works! Thank you very much!!!

Is this also possible with ajax? With the above method I have to redirect back to the page from the action.

Yes, you just need to change the onClick event to something like:


  var myformdata = $('#my_form_id').serialize();








Thank you very much!

I was able to implement it :)

Great community!!!