install yii di windows

aslm.para master ane mau nanya nih ko pas ane install yii di dos windows ada tulisan gini ya


C:\>cd windows/system32

C:\Windows\System32>cd c:xampp/php

The system cannot find the path specified.


The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

C:\Windows\System32>cd C:\xampp\php

C:\xampp\php>php.exe c:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\yiic webapp c:\xampp\htdocs\y


PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_

svn.dll’ - The specified module could not be found.

in Unknown on line 0

gimana itu ya?mohon bantuannya para master

itu instalasi php d xamppnya yg masalah

oo jadi bukan gara2 sistem nya ya mas?berarti masalah di xampp nya ya?

Iya mas

makasih banyak ya mas hhe :D