Repeated dataProvider needs refactoring

I have some duplicated code below, the “$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(‘LocationsImport’” etc. which runs on the index method and is rendered by the index view & on the go method which is executed via ajax.

I want to refactor this so that the code is only in one place.

What is the best way to refactor this?

public function actionGo()


  $model=new LocationsImport;


  $msg = "Failure";


  // Peform import



  if($model->completion_state == 1)


      $msg = "Success";



  Yii::app()->user->setFlash('locationsImport',"Locations import ".$msg);


  $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('LocationsImport',




      'defaultOrder' => array('end_time'=>true),




    $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


   'id' => 'locations_import_archive'





	 * Lists all models.


   public function actionIndex()


	$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('LocationsImport',array(





      'defaultOrder' => array('end_time'=>true),







Create a method in the controller or in the LocationsImport model. It will return the data provider.

public function actionIndex()








public function actionIndex()







In the actionGo you can call the method on the existing $model.


Hi Tommy,

Thanks for the quick reply. Your post solves the repetition of the data controller but I am still left with


in the index view and in the actionGo.

How can this also be incorporated?

You can try to put the CGridView in a partial view and call it from actionGo and from the ‘index’ view. I can’t tell for sure if it will work flawlessly (have to try the “load grid view via ajax” part myself, some time).


$this->renderPartial('_grid', array('dataprovider'=>$dataprovider), false, true);


$this->renderPartial('_grid', array('dataprovider'=>$dataprovider));

or perhaps

echo $this->renderPartial('_grid', array('dataprovider'=>$dataprovider), true);

If the grid doesn’t work after being reloaded, search the forum for ‘ajax’, ‘renderPartial’, ‘processOutput’.


If the purpose of actionGo is to just update the grid there’s javascipt support for this loaded with CGridView (IIRC fn.yiiGridView.update). Again, search the forum and/or consult the API reference.



Thanks, this works - to clarify I used:

index.php (view):

$this->renderPartial('_grid', array('dataprovider'=>$dataprovider), false, true);


$this->renderPartial('_grid', array('dataprovider'=>$dataprovider));