Compressed Sessions with CDbHttpSession

I’ve been working on an application with session data that were potentially growing rapidly. Since I am storing all sessions in memory, I wanted to ease out things a bit with help of MySQL’s COMPRESS() function. A word of warning: This is a bit wank and will only work for MySQL (AFAIK). A more general approach to session compression might be valuable to Yii in an effort to conserve memory, disk-i/o and/or disk space.

So, here we go: Create a new file CCompressedDbHttpSession in application.components with the following content


class CCompressedDbHttpSession extends CDbHttpSession



	 * Creates the session DB table.

	 * @param CDbConnection $db the database connection

	 * @param string $tableName the name of the table to be created


	protected function createSessionTable($db,$tableName)






	expire INTEGER,

	data BLOB





	 * Session read handler.

	 * Do not call this method directly.

	 * @param string $id session ID

	 * @return string the session data


	public function readSession($id)




SELECT UNCOMPRESS(data) FROM {$this->sessionTableName}

WHERE expire>$now AND id=:id



		return $data===false?'':$data;



	 * Session write handler.

	 * Do not call this method directly.

	 * @param string $id session ID

	 * @param string $data session data

	 * @return boolean whether session write is successful


	public function writeSession($id,$data)


		// exception must be caught in session write handler






			$sql="SELECT id FROM {$this->sessionTableName} WHERE id=:id";


				$sql="INSERT INTO {$this->sessionTableName} (id, data, expire) VALUES (:id, COMPRESS(:data), $expire)";


				$sql="UPDATE {$this->sessionTableName} SET expire=$expire, data=COMPRESS(:data) WHERE id=:id";



		catch(Exception $e)



				echo $e->getMessage();

			// it is too late to log an error message here

			return false;


		return true;



Use this class in your config instead of CDbHttpSession for holding your sessions. Be aware that you need to change your table schema so that data is a BLOB (You can use VARBINARY for tables stored in memory).

Have fun :D