Error with scopes

Good afternoon

I created a scope, this:

public function scopes() 


  return array('porcentagemAtual'=>array('order'=>'id DESC limit 1'));


This scope read the last line of DB, and only the last.

When I call this scopes, its returns null. But in my DB there are many data. This is my call:

public function getPorcentagemPontos(){

            $porcentagem = Porcentagem::model()->porcentagemAtual()->findAll();

            return $porcentagem->porcentagem;


I print for test and show me null, whether I change the code for this:

 public function getPorcentagemPontos(){

         $porcentagem = Porcentagem::model()->findbyPk(3);

           return $porcentagem->porcentagem;


The code return de right value. Where I wrong on my scope?

I try this:

return array('porcentagemAtual' => array('order' => 'id'));

But return null too.

This is my model:


class Porcentagem extends CActiveRecord


	public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


		return parent::model($className);


	public function tableName()


		return 'porcentagem';


	public function rules()


		return array(

			array('data, porcentagem, id_usuario', 'required'),

			array('id_usuario', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),

			array('porcentagem', 'numerical'),

			// The following rule is used by search().

			// Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.

			array('id, data, porcentagem, id_usuario', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),



	public function relations()


		return array(

                    'usuario' => array(self::BELONGS_TO,'Usuarios','id_usuario'),



	public function attributeLabels()


		return array(

			'id' => 'Id',

			'data' => 'Data',

			'porcentagem' => 'Porcentagem',

			'id_usuario' => 'Id Usuario',



	public function search()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;





		return new CActiveDataProvider('Porcentagem', array(





        public function scopes() 


            return array('porcentagemAtual'=>array('order'=>'id DESC limit 1'));





first you should define limit like you did with order:

public function scopes() 


  return array('porcentagemAtual'=>array('order'=>'id DESC', 'limit'=>1));


second findAll returns list of active records satisfying the specified condition - an empty array is returned if none is found.

So either use ‘find’ and


or ‘findAll’ and


Thanks for help

I did the changes and fix the problem.

I have another doubt. There is something in Yii to find of last line of my database? For exemplo :

" $porcentagem = Porcentagem::model()->findLastLine;"