CJuiDialog -Keeping separate it from Main view code

Dear All ,

This may be a silly question , but couldn’t find solution …

In the below code is there any way to move the dialog part ( I mean from the begin widths to end widget ) to move to some other view file ( may be _mydialog.php) and loading it only when the link is clicked . (Currently the below is code in single view file)

$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



	        'title'=>'Dialog box 1',






	echo 'dialog content here';




	echo CHtml::link('open dialog', '#', array(

	    'onclick'=>'$("#mydialog").dialog("open"); return false;',


Thanks for your help


Yii recent fan

any one :unsure:

I want to keep it separate because I have around 5 dialogues with fields and every thing in the same view php and loading them always

u must always render your dialog widget… if i understand correctly u always wanna use the same dialog. then u can create:


$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



                'title'=>'Dialog box 1',






        echo 'dialog content here';


and in your view dialog.php:



        echo CHtml::link('open dialog', '#', array(

            'onclick'=>'$("#mydialog").dialog("open"); return false;',


of course u can send content text as parameter.

Thank You Wartex .

Unfortunately all my dialog windows are different and they have input fileds . I worked on it and came up with the below solution .

Please let me know if you get any other ideas

//In controller

       public function actionOpenDialog1()


        $data = array();

        $this->renderPartial('_dialogContent1', $data, false, true);


       public function actionOpenDialog2()


        $data = array();

        $this->renderPartial('_dialogContent2', $data, false, true);


//In index.view

<div id="data">



echo CHtml::ajaxButton ("Open first dialog", CController::createUrl('dialogTesting/openDialog1'),array('update' => '#data'));

echo CHtml::ajaxButton ("Open second dialog", CController::createUrl('dialogTesting/openDialog2'),array('update' => '#data'));




 $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



                'title'=>'Dialog box 1',





        echo 'first dialog content here';





 $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



                'title'=>'Dialog box 1',





        echo 'first dialog content here';

