findByPk performance


Is there a way to make the findByPK() ‘faster’

I have a page where I need to do a lot of DB activities - yiidebug says 289 queries.

So I started to look at the queries to see where I could optimize and I saw that model::findByPk() uses 3 select statements to select 1 record, like this:

Querying SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ugeplaner`

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/models/Ugeplaner.php (31)

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (142)

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (135)

Querying SQL: SHOW CREATE TABLE `ugeplaner`

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/models/Ugeplaner.php (31)

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (142)

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (135)

Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `ugeplaner` `t` WHERE `t`.`ugeplannr`=94 LIMIT 1

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (142)

in /Web/webtest/public/protected/controllers/SlankeplanController.php (135)

in /Web/webtest/public/index.php (13)

if the model have the getPrimaryKey() method implemented you could skip 2 statements - and I even don’t understand why there is a ‘show create table’ query

Kind regards


use cache scheme

None if the 2 links explain why the ‘show create table’ statement is needed.

Even with the ‘schemaCachingDuration’=>3600, 3 statements is issued

As I said I can understand why the ‘SHOW COLUMNS FROM’ statement is issued if primarykey() method on the model is NOT implemented

From first link:

This should work:

'schemaCachingDuration' => 3600

After adding it to your config you will have 3 queries again. On further requests you will have 1 query (since the other 2 about the meta data got cached).

Here is a part of my /config/main.php


			'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=kostplanen_dk',

			'emulatePrepare' => true,

			'username' => 'YYYY',

			'password' => 'XXXXXX',

			'charset' => 'utf8',

			'tablePrefix' => '',




And it is still 3 statements :(

you need to add also this



			'directoryLevel' => 1,


You need to add the last bit because Yii needs to know where to cache the information. You can also use other caching methods of course.