Sharing modules between applications - NO symlink!


I’ve created some “common” modules (news, gallery) which I’d like to share between my apps.

How can I include modules which are ABOVE "application." path into my application?

By example, in my htdocs I have the "common" and "app1" directories.

"common" contains common modules, and "app1" is the application.

How can I point "common" directory in "import" section of application config?

Specifying “‘C://xampp//htdocs//common//core//components//*’” doesn’t solve the problem.

I can’t do the symlink since I’m on windows as you can see.

You can try to create a path alias inside a config file:

Yii::setPathOfAlias('my_modules', 'C:\xampp...');

And then use it when defining a list of modules:

'modules'=>array('', 'foo', 'bar'),

P.S. I didn’t try this :)

Thank you! :)

it worked :)