Remote login

Hello all!

I have a big problem, I have one application to manage users and other two that use that users.

How can I log in my secondary applications with the users that I had create on the first, normally I do this:

public function authenticate() {

    $user = Usuario::model()->findByAttributes(array('usuario' => $this->username));

    if ($user === null) {

        $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;

In the file protected/comonents/useridetity.php

But now, my model class is in other application :huh:

Thanks and sorry about my english

If the database is always the same… you can just copy your model to the other applications…

better solution would be to have a common folder for all 3 applications… and put there this model so that you don’t need to copy it every time you make changes…


I created a model class again in the main application, and I create my own active record but I still caný authenticate, I wirte my code next.

My authenticate method:

private $_id;

	public function authenticate()


		$user=Administrador::model()->findByAttributes(array('administrador' => $this->login));

		if ($user === null) {

			$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;




			if ($user->password !== $this->password) 


				$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;




		                $this->_id = $user->id;

                		$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;




		//Faltan los roles


My own active record

class MyActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord {


    private static $dbmarco = null;


    protected static function getMarcoDbConnection()


        if (self::$dbmarco !== null)

            return self::$dbmarco;



            self::$dbmarco = Yii::app()->dbmarco;

            if (self::$dbmarco instanceof CDbConnection)



                return self::$dbmarco;



                throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Active Record requires a "db" CDbConnection application component.'));



I inherite this active record in my model Administrator class and then I added the next function

public function getDbConnection()


        	return self::getMarcoDbConnection();


In the main.php I have this





I dont know why I can´t authenticate users

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If you are getting an error… than write here what error do you get… but if not… you need to debug a bit your code to see what is happening and why and what does not work…

There is no error, only the white page.

Finally I found the problem but it is not resolved.

When I fetch the order of my databases in the main.php file I can authenticate my user but I can see the other db

I did everything

I had my own active record, I inherited it in the correct model, but when I try to access to its content I only wiew a white page, If I don inherite the new active record I see the next error message

“The table “FAQ” for active record class “FAQ” cannot be found in the database.” <–Thatś correct it’s in another data base.

Iḿ becoming crazy