Single Page CRUD


I have three simple related tables Country, State, City. I want to have single page CRUD for all of these three. Is it possible to have this using Yii standard components? If not, any other way.



Try to use a one table… Nested Sets…


| id | lft | rgt | level | name | type |


|  1 |  0  |  3  |   0   | root |  0   |


|  2 |  1  |  2  |   1   | USA  |  1   |


NOTE_ moved to proper sub-forum (General Discussion instead of Tips, Snippets and Tutorial) and merged duplicate post

As for your problem… yes it’s possible…

Check this wiki article - http://www.yiiframew…idation-edition

And search a bit the forum… there are already some posts about this…