DB Authentication - can't login


i’m a newbie so maybe this is a very simple question. But it takes me hours today and i still don’t get this thing working. Everytime i try to login (tried with different usernames/passwords) i get this error: Invalid username or password. Here is my code:

// UserIdentity

public function authenticate()


        $users = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('username' => $this->username));

        if ($users === null)


        	$this->username = 'user Null';


                $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;




        else if($users->password!==$users->validatePassword($this->password))


                Yii::log('encrypted db password: '.$users->password,'trace');

                Yii::log('input password: '.$this->password.' / encrypted: '.$users->encrypting($this->password),'trace');





                $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;

                $this->_id = $user->id;


        return $this->errorCode == self::ERROR_NONE;




    public function getId()


        return $this->_id;




//Users Model

       public static function encrypting($value) {

                $site_key = Yii::app()->getParams()->hash_site_key;

                //hashing plain password with added salt

                return hash_hmac('sha256', $value, $site_key);


       public function validatePassword($password)


            return $this->encrypting($password)===$this->password;




    * perform one-way encryption on the password before we store it in

    the database


    protected function afterValidate()



        $this->password = $this->encrypting($this->password);



The logging shows me that both encrypted passwords are the same. The username is also correct.

Any ideas whats going wrong here?

validatePassword() returns the boolean result of password comparison. In authenticate() you compare the boolean to the password from db.


Thanks for reply!

This was helpful, i really didn’t see it:

else if($users->password!==$users->validatePassword($this->password))


else if(!$users->validatePassword($this->password))