tambah teks di CGridView

Para masta Yii… mau nanya nih

Bagaimana caranya ya cara menambahkan teks di CGridView

ni contohnya



Lihat kolom Size di sana ada tulisan KB(ane edit pake paint… ;D )

ini codingannya:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CgridView', array(





					'name' => 'Nama File',

					'type' => 'raw',

					'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->nama), Yii::app()->baseUrl ."/images/foto/". $data->nama)',








)); ?>

gimana caranya ya nambahin teks itu (kalau database tipe data integer/float)…?

mohon bantuannya gan…??

Thanks sebelumnya

Please use english in the general section… so that everybody can understand you and maybe help you…

Is this what you want?

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CgridView', array(






         'value'=>'$data->size. " KB"'




)); ?>

oo oh… I’am sorry, I don’t know it was in general Discussion, I Think in Indonesian Discussion.

thanks for your respon.

yes it’s what I mean. Thnat good idea… :lol: Thanks for all