jQuery Simple WYSIWYG

hi this is my 1st widget

have fun !

This is a simple WYSIWYG editor with Jquery I. It works quite fine in MSIE (even wersion 6) and Firefox JS file is only 1.12 kB in size (899 B when minified), CSS file is 256 B, icons – 16.4 kB.

Toolbar is in defined in a HTML file (4.74 kB) so it is extremely easy to customize the look of this editor. special thanks to (de77)


Yii 1.1 or above


<?php $this->widget(‘Editorx’,array(

‘options’ =>


)); ?>

<div id="editor"> this will turn to WYSIWYG </div>


I am trying to use this widget and I am getting the error:

The requested URL /jquery.wysiwyg.htm was not found on this server.

I’ve had a look and it seems that everything has been correctly placed (the widget was loaded into the components folder, everything was dragged and dropped and the HTML in my view looks like this:

<div class="row" id="editor">

                <?php $this->widget('Editorx',array(

                    'options' => 


                )); ?>


Thanks for your help in advance!


i make an update for it please redownload it