Weird: Anonymous users can't access some views which are opened to any user(*)


I encountered a weird problem. For some actions, I set their access rights to any user (*) in the controller. Why does it still redirect me to the log in page? Anyone helps on this? Thanks!!

For example,


                'actions' => array('displayattachment1'),

                'users' => array('*'),


    public function actionDisplayAttachment1($id) {

        $model = $this->loadModel($id);

        header('Pragma: public');

        header('Expires: 0');

        header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');

        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

        header('Content-length: ' . $model->attachment1_filesize);

        header('Content-Type: ' . $model->attachment1_filetype);

        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $model->attachment1_filename.'"');

        echo $model->attachment1;



I suspect you’ve incorrectly setup your accessRules. Can you please try to setup your access control like this:

public function filters()


            return array(

                    'accessControl', // perform access control for CRUD operations



public function accessRules()


        return array(


                'actions' => array('displayattachment1'),

                'users' => array('*'),




this should resolve your issue


My accessRules setup is correct. I have no idea how this comes about.

Maybe this …


-                'actions' => array('displayattachment1'),

+                'actions' => array('displayAttachment1'),

                'users' => array('*'),


still cannot…

can you post all your rules… maybe some rule before this one is preventing it…

I know what the problem is… I forgot to write ‘allow’…


                'actions' => array('displayattachment1'),

                'users' => array('*'),
