CGridView question

I have an actionCreate in a controller, which renders the create.php view:

$inshopItemsList=new inShopItem();  //creates an instance of a model to populate the CGridView.       






In the _form.php which is renderePartial in create.php view file I try to use CGridView the usual way:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





but it returns an empty set. Record is returned only when I change this:



with this:


 //'filter'=>new inShopItem(),

and in a controller:

$inshopItemsList=new inShopItem(); 


$inshopItemsList = new CActiveDataProvider(inShopItem::model()->active()->with('frontImage'), array(

'pagination' => array (

'pageSize' => Yii::app()->user->getState('pageSize', 20),



I want to use all the benefits of the built in filtering features but I don’t now how. Please, help.

Search methods looks like this and works correct for a CGridView in another view file:

	public function search()


	// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

	// should not be searched.

	$criteria=new CDbCriteria;












	return new CActiveDataProvider(inShopItem::model()->active()->with('frontImage'), array(


		'pagination' => array (

		'pageSize' => Yii::app()->user->getState('pageSize', 20),




Are you talking about a create or view action?

In the latter case, your problem probably occurs because you omitted a call to unsetAttributes on the filter instance.


make the unsetAttributes call after -

$inshopItemsList=new inShopItem();

$inshopItemsList=new inShopItem('search');


actionCreate in controller



        $inshopItemsList=new inShopItem('search');










create.php view file


        <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(





returns empty set. Why?

you have created a new variable $inshopItemsList but are using other variable, $model, in the next few lines.

replace $model with $inshopItemsList -





The idea is the following.

In this actionCreate I create a record like this:

    public function actionCreate($id=null)


        $model = new InshopSale();




            if($model->validate()) {

                    if($model->save()) {





        $inshopItemsList=new inShopItem('search');











but I need to populate CGridView in the create.php view file to make it possible for the user to choose items that would be added to the record that I am creating in a way of many to many relation.

can you share a screenshot of the create.php view file?

here it is:





i meant screenshot of your screen (what you see in the browser).