[SOLVED] Relationship in Criteria question

I have 3 tables with these relation

port (countryid) ->BELONGS_TO-> country

country (regionid) ->BELONGS_TO-> region

In Port listing page, I need to show all 3 columns Cgridview including Region, which I have no problem using





But how do I ORDER BY REGION NAME in the controller?

in PortController->actionList

// no problem sorting by country using with

        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Port', array(


                        'order'=>'`t`.`countryid` ASC',





// how to do something to this effect ?? (sort by region name)

        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Port', array(


                        'order'=>'country.region.name ASC, `t`.`countryid` ASC', //obviously not working





I read about using "through" but its only for HAS_MANY and HAS_ONE…

Try with this:

        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Port', array(


                        'order'=>'country.region.name ASC, `t`.`countryid` ASC', //obviously not working






got this error

CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'country.region.name' in 'order clause'

is this the correct way to reference it?

I solved it by randomly trying out the arrays like this…Yii is magical


                         'order'=>'region.name ASC, country.name ASC, `t`.`name` ASC',



