CJuiDatePicker, I18n and date columns...


	<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', 

		array('model' => $model,'attribute'=>'date'));


be using I18n date format definition?

When I am now switching between locales, I need to write proper afterFind() and beforeSave methods… like this:

	/* (non-PHPdoc)

	 * @see CActiveRecord::afterFind()


	protected function afterFind(){

		$this->date =  Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format("d.M.yyyy",$this->date);

		return parent::afterFind();


	/* (non-PHPdoc)

	 * @see CActiveRecord::beforeSave()


	protected function beforeSave(){

		$this->date = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format("yyyy-M-d",$this->date);

		return parent::beforeSave();


AND additionaly I have to set manually the format in the widget:

		<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', 

			array('model' => $model,'attribute'=>'date', 'options'=>array('dateFormat' => 'd.mm.yy' )));



Did you try the "language" property? CJuiDatePicker::language