defaultScope() + CDbCriteria() = ambiguous columns

I’ve got a defaultScope() for each model so that only the users rows are returned, eg:

public function defaultScope()


	if (Yii::app()->user->isAdmin())


		// Admins can see all records

		return array(






		// Only list the users own records

		return array(





But if I use CDbCriteria() I get an error about user_id being an ambigious column.

Is there a way to prefix the user_id in the condition above with the alias depending on how its being called?

For example, if its being called by itself it should be ‘t.user_id’ but if its called by a CDbCriteria() and with() then it should be the name of the table in with, eg ‘withtablename.user_id’

Thanks, Russ

Try this:

public function defaultScope()


    return array(





Another possible solution:

'condition' => $this->getTableAlias(false, false) . '.user_id = ...',

Brilliant! Thank you :)

Thanks a lot phtamas, you safe me from a lot of work! :)

excellent work phtamas… :)

Excellent phtamas !! :)