How to 'nl2br' in CGridView

I tried searching this in google and here in Yii Community (I tried searching after going through reading the docs/class reference regarding CGridView and it’s related classes), but I couldn’t find any topics related to my problem. Is it just me that I’m too dumb to miss out a simple problem?

Anyways, I have a database with text in it. It got lots of newlines, and the most basic way to preserve those newlines is to use nl2br. But when I tried to use it in CGridView, it didn’t work well as expected. Here’s an example of what I’m trying to say:

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
























)); ?>

This problem also exists in CDetailView.

The output is usually this:

Wherein it should’ve have been:

Am I the only one who ran into this problem or is there anyone else out there who ran into this problem but isn’t as dumb as me that he/she got it to work well?

Set the type to raw:






thanks a lot! Thanks for the fast and precise reply, it worked like a charm.


'columns' => array(







pthamas, thank for the info!

For a complete list of what you can write after ‘:’, take a look here: