Issue in AfterSave()

hi all,

   i have 2 tables ChargesDemandMaster sand ChargesDemandDetails.

Here when a record is inserted in ChargesDemandMaster then all columns of ChargesDemandDetails are automatically inserted.

The code for this task is as follows:

 protected function afterSave()



            if($this->Demand_fresquency == 'Monthly')




            	  $profile = new ChargesDemandDetails;

                  $profile->Demand_type= $this->DemandType;

                  $profile->Demand_period = $this->Demand_fresquency;

                  $profile->Demand_flat_number = 'Not set now';

                  $profile->Demand_gen_Date = $this->Demand_effective_date;

                  $profile->Demand_amount = '0000';

                  $profile->Demand_paid_flag = 'NO';

                  $profile->Demand_collected_amount = '0000';

                  $profile->Demand_collected_revenueID = '0000';

                  $profile->Demand_collectedDate = $this->Demand_effective_date;

                   $profile->Demand_due =  $this->Demand_effective_date;

              	   if (!$profile->save()) {

  						 echo "didn't work";

						   Yii::app()->end(); // don't use die();




Now in the place of demand_period i need to display Jan, feb , marc…upto december.

I created a table Months(id,month).

i tried this:



            	  $months = new Month;//this is not working

            	  $profile = new ChargesDemandDetails;

                  $profile->Demand_type= $this->DemandType;

                  $profile->Demand_period = $months->month;  //This is not working       



Please help me in this issue

I am not quite sure what you intend to do with the month.

But before you type

$profile->Demand_period = $months->month; 

doesn’t you need to set the value first?


$months->month = 1; //or 'Jan' maybe?

But then again? Do you intend to store the months name into db? If so, I don’t think this is necessary because

both php and sql know the name of month.

Hi junxiong,

thanks for ur response.

I was storing the months{jan,feb…,dec} in this months table.

And then i wanted to get the months respectively.

The problem here i am facing is i am not able to do get access an object of Months here.

  $months = new Month;//this is not working .

 $profile->Demand_period = $months->month;  //This is not working       

Here i am writing this aftersave() in ChargesDemandsMaster to automatically populate ChargesDemandsDetails. Now i am not able to get access of Months in ChargesDemandMaster so that Months can also be populated in ChargesDemandDetails

You’ll need to Month::model->findAll() and loop over the record set.

$months = Month::model->findAll();

foreach ($months as $month)


    $profile = new ChargesDemandDetails;

    $profile->Demand_type= $this->DemandType;

    $profile->Demand_period = $month->name;



Code not tested.

On a side note, it’s a rather expensive DB call to get month names. You may consider using one of PHPs date functions or writing a helper which returns an array of month names.



Hi waterloomatt,

  I tried the foreach loop and the error that i am getting is &quot;Trying to get property of non-object&quot;

For the time being i was using an array containing all the values of months.

But the flat_number is again from other model called Apartment. I must get that also.

i dont know where is the mistake.

Thanks for the rely.


Not sure what your models look like so I’m guessing on the name. The code I sent you had some errors - I.e. missing brackets.

$months = Month::model->findAll();

should be

$months =Month::model()->findAll();

Also do a count on the number of $months returned to see if your findall is working.

echo Month::model()->count();

If you still have trouble, please send through all relevant models and I will take a look.



What about saving Demand_period as a number then use Yii::app()-locale->getMonthName()

p.s. Can oneone tell me the difference between standAlone and not?

Hi Matt,

I am trying to edit ChargesDemandDetails table from ChargesDemandMaster. In the mean time i also had to enter flat number and months details into chargesDemandDetails.

I was managing Months to be entered statically. But Flat number must be populated dynamically.

The code i wrote in chargesDemandMaster controller is:

 protected function afterSave()





            if($this->Demand_fresquency == 'Monthly')




            		$flatnumbers =Apartment::model()->findAll();

            		foreach($flatnumbers as $flatnumber)

            		{    $flatnumber = new Apartment;

            	 		 $profile = new ChargesDemandDetails;

                 		 $profile->Demand_type= $this->DemandType;

                 		 $profile->Demand_period = $a[$i];

                		 $profile->Demand_flat_number = $flat_number->flat_number;

                		 $profile->Demand_gen_Date = $this->Demand_effective_date;

               		 	 $profile->Demand_amount =$this->Demand_amount;

                		 $profile->Demand_paid_flag = 'NO';

                		 $profile->Demand_collected_amount =  '0000';

               		     $profile->Demand_collected_revenueID = '0000';

		                 $profile->Demand_collectedDate = $this->Demand_effective_date;

                		 $profile->Demand_due =  $this->Demand_effective_date;

              	 		  if (!$profile->save()) {

  								 	 echo "didn't work";

								     Yii::app()->end(); // don't use die();


				     	 	echo Apartment::model()->count();




hi rama you are doing quite right here…just define model attributes properly as you want to save then…then definitely your work have been done…!!
