How to customize dataProvider

I am working on the categories listing page,in which i use CActiveDataProvider & zii.widgets.CListView combination to develop listing & pagination it works great!




When we use CListView like above,

It’s functionality may works in foreach to iterate the itemView, to create listing with associative dataprovider,

How could i give some conditions between this foreach or any other mechanism which CListView used

(without use of dataprovider query)

Kindly Please reply,I stuck here & i have to deliver it earlier :-[

If you r not getting me, Plz reply i will explain u in detail

not sure if this is the reply u asked for, but to add conditions to the CListView, i think that you could try the following (not tested)

$criteria = new CDbCriteria();

$criteria->condition = 'something =:st';

$criteria->params = array(':st',$valueToCheck);

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Model',





if it’s not the answer you wanted, please, give more details

hope it helps


Also, regarding customization, have a look at the API reference (data/sort/pagination/keys/…). You may also want to override methods of the C…DataProvider class.
