How to get postback url # ?


How to get postback url # ?

Example : when i click the menu --> http://…com/example#app i don’t get the result in the page which i open but if i refresh the page i get the content of this page.


your question does not make sense. please try rephrasing it.


I have one page (Example) with a lot of paragraphs like that : ( <div id="pr1"> )( <div id="pr2"> )( <div id="pr3"> )( <div id="pr3"> )( <div id="pr4"> )

and i want to get then 4 pages (pr1, pr2, pr3, pr4).

So for i get then the content of pr1 must have one url like that : http://…com/example#pr1

so the problem is when i open this url : http://…com/example and then i click the menu of pr1 : http://…com/example#pr1 the page don’t change but if i refresh the page i get the content of pr1.!!

i wish that you understood me


What I ended up doing for my tabs was using a get parameter parameter instead of an anchor - because it also allows me to ‘remember’ or link directly to it.


    	$tabs = array(

            	array('name' => 'information', 'partial' => 'update', 'label' =>  'Information'),

            	array('name' =>  'members', 'partial' =>  'settings/members', 'label' =>  'Members'),

            	array('name' =>  'versions', 'partial' =>  'settings/versions', 'label' => 'Versions'),

            	array('name' =>  'categories', 'partial' =>  'settings/issue_categories', 'label' =>  'Issue categories'),

            	array('name' =>  'repositories', 'partial' =>  'settings/repository', 'label' =>  'Repositories'),


    	$selected_tab = $tabs[0]['name'];

    	if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {

        	$selected_tab = $_GET['tab'];




if(isset($_GET['tab'])) {

	$this->pageTitle = $information->name . ' - Settings - ' . ucfirst($_GET['tab']);

} else {

	$this->pageTitle = $information->name . ' - Settings - Information';



<h3 class="settings">Settings</h3>

<div class="tabs">


<?php foreach($tabs as $tab): ?>

<?php if($tab['name'] == $selected_tab): ?>

	<li><?php echo CHtml::link($tab['label'], '/projects/'.$_GET['identifier'].'/settings'.'?tab='.$tab['name'], array('class' => 'selected')); ?></li>

<?php else : ?>

	<li><?php echo CHtml::link($tab['label'], '/projects/'.$_GET['identifier'].'/settings'.'?tab='.$tab['name']); ?></li>

<?php endif; ?>

<?php endforeach; ?>



<?php foreach($tabs as $tab): ?>

<?php if($tab['name'] == $selected_tab): ?>

<?php echo'<div ?tab='.$tab['name'].' class="tab-content">';

$this->renderPartial($tab['partial'], array('model' => ${$tab['name']}, 'name' => $information->name));

echo '</div>';


<?php else : ?>

<?php echo'<div ?tab='.$tab['name'].' class="tab-content" style="display:none;">';

$this->renderPartial($tab['partial'], array('model' => ${$tab['name']}, 'name' => $information->name));

echo '</div>';


<?php endif; ?>

<?php endforeach; ?>

If that’s not what you’re looking for, then just ignore me. :)

Here’s one way of using anchors with Yii - a link tag and an a tag:

<?php echo CHtml::link('#'.$comment_count, '#note-'.$comment_count); ?>

<?php echo CHtml::tag('a', array('name' => 'note-'.$comment_count),'.'); ?>