Draggable CGridView is not working after AJAX refresh

I have two CGridView with draggable and droppable feature. They work fine at the first time page reload, but not after AJAX refresh. I call AJAX refresh via dropdown list:

<div id="target">


// register JQuery UI


// draggable script

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('drag', "

$('#first-container-grid tbody tr td').draggable({

	helper: 'clone',

	opacity: 0.8,

	revert: 'invalid',

	cursor: 'move',

	containment: '#right-column'


// draggable script for second grid (omitted)


// droppable script

Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('drop', "

$('#first-container-grid tbody tr td').droppable({

	accept: 'tbody tr td',

	activeClass: 'ui-droppable-active',

	hoverClass: 'ui-droppable-hover',

	drop: function(ev, ui) {


		return false;



// droppable script for second grid (omitted)




echo CHtml::beginForm();

echo CHtml::dropDownList('first_filter', ($firstContainer->id != 0) ? $firstContainer->id : '', Container::getContainerList(), array(


















$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


	'dataProvider'=>$firstModel->search(!empty($_GET['id1']) ? $firstContainer->id : 0),


	'summaryText'=>'Total Cubic Meters: '.$firstContainer->total_cubic,





echo CHtml::dropDownList('second_filter', ($secondContainer->id != 0) ? $secondContainer->id : '', Container::getContainerList(), array(


















$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


	'dataProvider'=>$secondModel->search(!empty($_GET['id2']) ? $secondContainer->id : 0),


	'summaryText'=>'Total Cubic Meters: ' .$secondContainer->total_cubic,	





echo CHtml::endForm();	




I render the page in my controller:

public function actionAdmin()


   .... (some logic here)	

   if (isset($_GET['filter']))



















How to make those CGridView become draggable again after AJAX refresh?

Here is an image to illustrate this situation better:

It seems the problem is on my JQuery. I make it runs smoothly by simply changing draggable script to:

$('#first-container-grid tbody tr td').live('mousedown', function() {


		helper: 'clone',

		opacity: 0.8,

		revert: 'invalid',

		cursor: 'move',

		containment: '#right-column'



Your draggable functionality/events will have been found to the node it found when you ran it initially. When you refresh the grid view with ajax that node is replaced with the return from the server and the draggable bindings are lost. My suggestion would be to rebind the draggable in an onComplete event from the grid view.