Controlling what goes into YiiLite

Hey guys, I’m experimenting with improving performance on an host that doesn’t support caching and using YiiLite seems like a good way to go, but what I was hoping for is that there would be a way to create a custom YiiLite builder, that would let you choose what modules you include in YiiLite. Also taking the concept further I thought it would be very handy to be able to create a production version of Yii which would have all the comments and other stuff not necessary when you don’t need to read the code stripped out. When combined with a custom-created YiiLite it would go a long way to improving performance in environments that don’t have OpCode caching and would also result in a minor improvement in environments with opcode caching by improving the first load.

Perhaps if this is something people think would be useful would be worthwhile adding to the enhancements list.