More than one foreign key

I was wondering about how to set up a relational active record in a situation where the link could be made based on two or more foreign keys.



user_id int

name char


challenger_id int

opponent_id int


I want User to have a relation called "challenges" which links to all challenges where the user id matches either challenger_id or opponent_id.

I currently have

'challenges'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Challenge', 'challenger_id'),

'challenged'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Challenge', 'opponent_id')

but I would like to have one relation which combines both of these.

Is this possible?

something like



if i understand what you want correctly


[color="#808080"][color="gray"][size="2"]@Command, I believe ehcg wants to declare the relationship [/size][/color][/color][color="#808080"][size="2"]relations() [/size][/color][color="#808080"][size="2"]within the model class. [/size][/color][color="#808080"][size="2"]From what he has shown us, my understanding is that there may be an additional table called opponents.[/size][/color]

[color="#808080"][size="2"]@ehcg is there an additional opponent table? [/size][/color]

[size="2"][color="#808080"]Can you try something like below? [/color][/size]

[size=“2”][color="#008800"]‘challenges’[/color][color="#666600"]=>[/color][color="#000000"]array[/color][color="#666600"]([/color][color="#000088"]self[/color][color="#666600"]::[/color][color="#000000"]HAS_MANY[/color][color="#666600"],[/color] [color="#008800"]‘Challenge’[/color][color="#666600"],[/color] [color="#008800"]’[/color][color="#008800"]Challenges([/color][color="#008800"]challenger_id,[/color][color="#008800"]opponent_id[/color][color="#008800"])’[/color][color="#666600"]),[/color][/size]

[color="#808080"][size="2"]Let us know the outcome? [/size][/color]

opponent_id is actually a foreign key that also refers to the User table. A user can either be the challenger or the opponent for a challenge.