How to pass a value of a variable via URL


I have certain links in one page.


echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post?var=link 1\">Link 1 </a>";

echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post?var=link 2\">Link 2 </a>";

echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post?var=link 3\">Link 3 </a>";


if i click any of the links it has to go the post.php.

And in that page i have to retrieve the value of the variable "var".

But when i run it, its showing the error

" The system is unable to find the requested action "post?var=link 1".

I tried it with normal WAMP. Its Working.

What to do if i want to pass the value via the URL in Yii. Anyone please help me…

Do you have LoginController class with a actionPost($var) as its method??

You may post your code of LoginController first to avoid misunderstand~


public function actionPost($var)




i have tried this too. but its not working. can u help me how to use it?


public function actionPost($var)




i have tried this too. but its not working. can u help me how to use it?

The problem is in ur link tags

it should be &var= NOT ?var=


echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post&var=link-1\">Link 1 </a>";

echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post&var=link-2\">Link 2 </a>";

echo "<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post&var=link-3\">Link 3 </a>";


ah yes Anupam is right. I’ve failed to notice the URL…

Hi anupam,junxiong

Thank u for your replies.Its working perfectly. Thanks a lot.

One more doubt,

If i want to pass more than one values, how can i do that? Please help me…

Then it should be

<a href=\" /myYii/index.php?r=login/post&var=link-1&var2=value2&var3=value3\">Link 1 </a>

and your controller just write

function actionPost($var, $var2, $var3){


I think you could also use:

echo CHtml::link('Link 1', array('login/post', 'var'=>'link-1','var2'=>'value2',...));

I think that using this syntax var COULD be ‘link 1’ that would encode to ‘link%201’.


Just tring to help ;D