Access controller method from model

Hi all,

A beginner’s question from someone new to OOP. In my app, users can sign up with just an email and a password. However, some content is only visible to those who provided us with more info. Hence, I need to test in the database whether all user fields are filled out. To do so, I created a method in the model, which is called from the controller. This method in the model needs to access a function from the controller and I don’t know how to access it.

$model->loadModel(); doesn’t work. $this->loadModel(); obviously doesn’t work because $this refers to the instance of the model.

Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers…

Method in model User:


        // tests whether all required fields of a table $testAllDataProvidedTable are set

        // used by actionIndex of UserController

        public function testAllDataProvided($testAllDataProvidedTable)


            // needs to be loaded so $model->[required field] can be loaded in array $requiredColumns

            $model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);

            // set intial value of variable, will be set to 0 if one field is empty

            $allDataProvided = 1;

            // set required fields for tables

            if ($testAllDataProvidedTable == "tbl_user") {

                $requiredColumns = array(














            // iterate through each field and if one is empty, set $allDataProvided to 0

            foreach ($requiredColumns as $value) {

                if (empty($value)) {

                    $allDataProvided = 0;



            // break the reference with the last element,


            // return value of fucntion

            if ($allDataProvided == 1) {

                return true;

            } else {

                return false;






	/** This is where user gets redirected after login

	 * Welcome screen after logging in

	 * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be displayed


	public function actionIndex()


		// load all attributes and methods from db / model User

		// by using the ID set in UserIdentity.php

		// to see how to overwrite Yii::app()->user->id with id instead of email, see Agile-Web-Application-Development-with-Yii11-and-PHP5-eBook09022011_1063898.pdf p. 165

                $model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);


                // for testing whether all required fields in tbl_user have been filled out as a requirement for selling / buying

                // $model->$allUserDataProvided is declared in model User and set by actionBuy() and actionSell() in UserController

                // by calling method testAllDataProvided in UserController

                $model->allUserDataProvided = $model->testAllDataProvided("tbl_user");







	 * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.

	 * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.

	 * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded


	public function loadModel($id)




			throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');

		return $model;


hi, to get the controller you can use


although i would rather use the loadModel code in the User model, that way the model is not dependent on the controller and not tightly coupled

A model shouldn’t depend on any controller. A controller loads a model, then calls it’s “testAllDataProvided” method and makes a desicion whether to allow a user to see some content or not.

u should change the approach a bit. u already fetched the $model in the actionIndex() why fetching it again in the testAllDataProvided(). Pass the $model itself to the testAllDataProvided().

Try like this:


        public function actionIndex()


                $model = $this->loadModel(Yii::app()->user->id);

                $model->allUserDataProvided = $model->testAllDataProvided($model);



//Method in model User:

        public function testAllDataProvided($model)


            $allDataProvided = 1;

            // set required fields for tables

            if ($model->tableName() == "tbl_user") {  // check the table name u want to use

                $requiredColumns = array(














            foreach ($requiredColumns as $value) {

                if (empty($value))

                    $allDataProvided = 0;



            // return value of fucntion

            return ($allDataProvided == 1);




check out how it goes…

Also u don’t need to check the tableName of the $model with in the instance of model.

Its like u have created object of User class & withIn that object checking whether its the object of the User class!!!

u need to check if u r calling this function from outside the model instance or is generated dynamically.

If u r going to use if for more than 1 model better make it a global/static function:

public function testAllDataProvided($model){

	switch ($model->tableName()) {

		case 'tbl_user':

			$requiredColumns = array(





		case 'tbl_tbl2':

			$requiredColumns = array(...);


		case 'tbl_tbl3':

			$requiredColumns = array(...);




Thanks everyone, this has been very helpful. Based on your input I changed my strategy but now I’m facing a different problem: . Any suggestions would be much appreciated.