CActiveRecord update() problem

I have a Client controller that handles a couple of models (Client and Address). I’m also using the CAdvancedArBehavior extension to save Many_Many relations to the Client model. I am able to create records and be redirected to the view action without issue. My problem is when I update records, the changes are made to the database, but instead of being redirected to the view, I get a blank page. I’ve tried both $model->save() and $model->update() to no avail. However, $model->saveAttributes() works. The drawback to using saveAttributes is that I can’t save the Many_Many relations.

Anyone know what’s going on?


This error has something to do with afterSave() in CActiveRecord. If I overwrite the method and leave blank, my code works. What functionality do I lose by doing this?

You should address your question to the extension author:

Thanks Mike. I figured out I had an old version of the extension. I’ve converted it and everything works.