Same connection to Console commands - migration


How i can re-use the same connection of "main.php" in "console.php" without need change "console.php" everytime that i change "main.php" ?

I can think of three approaches

  1. arrayMerge, just like in test.php (will include irrelevant parts of main.php)

  2. ‘db’=>require ‘db.php’, // db.php returns an connection array

  3. something like this

   $webConfig = require 'main.php';


   return array {







Hi, thanks man, your third solution is the best.

My problem was solved:

$mainConfig = require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/main.php');

return CMap::mergeArray(



		'name'=>'Auction Platform - Console Application',


			'db' => $mainConfig['components']['db'],


