[SOLVED] CGridView input field id


I need to add ‘id’ attribute to some CGridView input fields, so I can use some JQuery

on those fields.

e.g. text field:

<input id="HariLibur_date" type="text" name="HariLibur[date]">

How do I accomplish this? thank you.

this way:


	'name' => 'abc',

	'value' => '$data->def',


		'id' => 'HariLibur_date',



hi tofu2000,

thanks for the reply, but your code generates this:

<td id="HariLibur_tanggal">

while i need the id to be put on the input fields

if you talk about the filter fields in CGridView:


        'name' => 'abc',



Hi Mahdi, your code leads me to the solution I want. Thank you!

here is what my code looks like now:


  'name' => 'tanggal',

  'filter' => CHtml::textField('HariLibur[date]','',array(

    'id' => 'HariLibur_date',



it generates:

<input type="text" name="HariLibur[date]" value="" id="HariLibur_date">

I need ‘name=HariLibur[date]’ so the search function can still work.

Can simpler >

'filter' => Chtml::tag('input', array(






  • Thanks alot. Simple and sweet ;)