

I just created a pager extension called Yiinfinite-scroll:


Basicaly, what it does is auto load more items as you scroll down the page, as in Twitter. The usage is pretty much the same as CListPager or CLinkPager.

Hope you find it useful to your projects :)

Please tell me if you find problem with it or need any help.

Ah, you can see a demo here:


Also, the project is hosted at github, so feel free to contribute with anything ;)

thanks for the extension. I am getting problem to implement this extension. First,

[b]$this->widget(‘ext.yiinfinite-scroll.YiinfiniteScroller’, array(

'itemSelector' => 'div.post',

'pages' => $pages,


In this div.post signifies what? and one more thing does this show the result with autoscrolling or i have to use CListView to display the result.

I am also getting the error path.join is not a function in firebug.

Hi davi_alexandre,

I follow the Yiinfinite Scroll Extension. but why the my Yiinfinite Scroll Extension don’t have the JQuery effect?? It only show the result and a next page link at the bottom. Why this happens? i need add on what stuff inside

Hi davi

Im a newbee both to PHP and Yii …

We need this extension to be implemented in one of our code

Can I know if this page iterates the data …as you said it is infinite scroll

If my db has 100 comments…then would this stop at that point or continues to loop the

data giving my 1st comment again as 101th comment.

Pls reply …thanks in advance

Dear davi_alexandre,

The extension is really great thanks a lot.

I’m trying to use the ajaxLink inside the view but it is working for the first n items only and not working on the rest, can you give a hint how i can fix this issue.

belwo is the code inside the _view


echo CHtml::ajaxLink("Load more...", Yii::app()->createUrl("Images/ajax&id=" .CHtml::encode($data->adv_id)),array("update" => "#" . [b]CHtml::encode($data->adv_id),)[/b]); always showing the first item.


<div id="<?php echo CHtml::encode($data->adv_id); ?>" > 	



Mustafa Abu Ghali

dear davi_alexandre,

I am starting to use this extension of yours, the automatic ajax triggering is nice as when you scrolled down to the bottom it will auto generate the next page.

I’ve been wondering is it possible if i can make the triggering process manually? i mean next page will be shown when i clicked a “MORE” button.

Thanks before

Iqbal Atmadja

You gonna need this manually. Take a look here http://www.infinite-scroll.com in "Custom trigger, non-automatic. Twitter-style"

Hello davi,

Can i manually make extension to scroll div? without scrolling.??
