Re-writing a Class Method without editing Framework Files

Is is possible to alter a particular method in a framework class by extending it and Yii automatically use that new method?

I’ve edited CHttpRequest.php in the framework folder (no no no… I know!) so my application would accept the CSRF token via GET. I understand the concept of extending a class with new methods and placing it in the ‘components’ dir but… what if I want to re-write a method and have it used instead of the original framework method?

Re-written method below but my question is a general one rather than specific to this.

	public function validateCsrfToken($event)





			if($cookies->contains($this->csrfTokenName) && isset($_POST[$this->csrfTokenName]) || isset($_GET[$this->csrfTokenName] ))



				$tokenFrom=!empty($_POST[$this->csrfTokenName]) ? $_POST[$this->csrfTokenName] : $_GET[$this->csrfTokenName];		






				throw new CHttpException(400,Yii::t('yii','Lite: The CSRF token could not be verified.'));



class EHttpRequest extends CHttpRequest


 	public function validateCsrfToken($event)





                        if($cookies->contains($this->csrfTokenName) && isset($_POST[$this->csrfTokenName]) || isset($_GET[$this->csrfTokenName] ))



                                $tokenFrom=!empty($_POST[$this->csrfTokenName]) ? $_POST[$this->csrfTokenName] : $_GET[$this->csrfTokenName];       	






                                throw new CHttpException(400,Yii::t('yii','Lite: The CSRF token could not be verified.'));



Put EHttpRequest in components.

Tell Yii to use that instead of the ordinary one.

Haven’t tested this, but this ought to do it:

	'components' => array(

    	'request' => array(

        	'class' => 'application.components.EHttpRequest',



Cool, works for me. First line needs to be

class EHttpRequest extends CHttpRequest

for anyone copy and pasting.

Error fixed - thanks. :)

Good question, if this will work for any core class, not being a component? And if not, then what is the best practice to achieve it?

Got the very same issue when writing this Wiki article. Ended with modifying core Yii files, even though I know this is a very bad manner. But had not time investigating then, if there is any way to overload original Yii class not being a component.