RBAC usage help

Hi everyone,

I’m a newb to yii so bear with me if i’m getting some of the lingo/implementations wrong :)

So what I am trying to do is restrict a specific action from all users & roles except the "admin" role.

As of now, the role filter doesnt appear to be working for me.

Below is the controller with the rules:

class UsersController extends Controller


    public function filters() {

        return array(





    public function accessRules() {

        return array(



                'users'     => array('*')




                'actions'   => array('create'),

                'roles'     => array('admin')





    public function actionIndex() {




    public function actionCreate() {

        echo 'Shazam!';



I am setting the role here:

class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity


	public function authenticate()


		$user = User::model()->find('LOWER(username)=?',array(strtolower($this->username)));



		else if(!$user->validatePassword($this->password))


		else {

			$auth = Yii::app()->authManager;

			if (!$auth->isAssigned($user->role->name, $user->id)){

				$auth->assign($user->role->name, $user->id);






		return !$this->errorCode;



When I print the user id it is set to "admin".

Thanks for any help!

I am also a newbie, but I think that the accessRules array() is like a switch() statement. The first thing that matches…wins. You might try:

class UsersController extends Controller



    public function accessRules() {

        return array(



                'actions'   => array('create'),

                'roles'     => array('admin')




                'users'     => array('*')





Hmm, didnt work. Thanks for the help though!!

Wanted to ask one more time before I think about getting the ebook.

Any ideas, what I’m missing in getting roles to work?