zii class overview

Hi All,

I’m new to Yii and just surfing over the web site.

So I have noticed that in section Class Reference there are these references

  1. zii.behaviors

  2. zii.widgets

  3. zii.widgets.grid

  4. zii.widgets.jui

This should be like zii not yii, i don’t know so I’m asking.

Have a nice day.

Your question is not clear. :)

‘zii’ used to be a separate extension repository for official yii extensions, but was later moved into the main source tree.

Look in yii/framework/zii.

It’s one behavior and six widgets.

Don’t worry the class reference is just fine… You just need to read a bit more about Yii and it’s components…

As I suggest to all newcommers… start with The Definitive Guide to Yii, and welcome to the forum…


it was not clear to me, is it zii or yii, thank you for explanation.
