Difficulty using Join with CActiveDataProvider

I tried to do this:

		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('User', array(



				'join'=>'LEFT JOIN {{user_network}} as un ON un.user_id = {{users}}.id',

        			'condition'=>'un.network_id = ' . $id,



However, I received an error that complained of the ambiguity of “id” in my SELECT. This was because both users and user_network had an id column, and the SELECT statement didn’t clarify. Since this ambiguous “id” in the select came from the default scope (and I couldn’t add the alias into the default scope, since the alias might be different for different queries), this is what I did as a workaround:

		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider(User::model()->resetScope()->joinsafe(), array(



				'join'=>'LEFT JOIN {{user_network}} as un ON un.user_id = {{users}}.id',

        			'condition'=>'un.network_id = ' . $network->id,



where joinsafe was a new scope in User that I defined that disambiguated the id column to use this specific alias ("{{users}}"):

public function scopes()


	$table = $this->tableName();

        return array(


		'select' => "$table.id, $table.email, $table.createtime, $table.lastvisit, $table.superuser, $table.status",




This seems terribly ugly and counterintuitive. Is there something I could have done instead?

I’m having similar problems with multiple table joins and conflicting column names. What did you end up doing to solve this?

You can use ‘t’ to refer to your current ‘User’ model

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('User', array(


                                'join'=>'LEFT JOIN {{user_network}} as un ON un.user_id = t.id',

                                'condition'=>'un.network_id = ' . $id,

