Can CMenu pass more than one variable?

Hi I have standard CMenu:


	array('label'=>'Update_Something', 'url'=>array('update', 'id'=>$model->id)),


I tried to add more variables to be passed like:


	array('label'=>'Update_Something', 'url'=>array('update', array('id'=>$model->id,'another_param'=>$model->another_param))),


But then I get URL in browser’s status bar like: myapp/index.php?r=model/update&0[id]=1000005&0[name]=‘another_param’

And off course I can’t get this values from $_GET[] array in the view, since when I pass only one param in CMenu item, I can get it.

Can I pass many variables from item of CMenu? (Operations portlet on the right)

The problem is that you’re nesting a second array for the URL when you don’t need to. Try structuring it like this:


	array('label'=>'Update_Something', 'url'=>array('update', 'id'=>$model->id,'another_param'=>$model->another_param)),


The url will look at the first element in the array as the action and anything else after that keyed is going to be a param for url.