CGridView view & filter a relation HAS_MANY


i went through probably all the related posts but still can’t find a solution

in my CActiveRecord class Employee i have a relation

'job' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Job', 'personal_id'),

(the Job’s relation to Employee is BELONGS_TO)

i want to display all the job.decscription, that belong to the employee in a CGridView AND make them filterable/searchable

i had partial success (when following the other guides, but it didn’t work anyway) when i changed the relation to HAS_ONE, but can’t make it happen with HAS_MANY

i made a function to display all the descriptions in a comma separated string

public function getDescriptions()


            foreach ($this->job as $job):

                $job[] = $job->description;


            if (is_array($job))

                return implode(', ', $job);


                return $job;


isn’t there a way to filter the results by searching through the string?

or is there another solution?

thanks in advance

$jobs=Chtml::listData(Jobs::model()->findAll(‘job_id=:ID’,array(’:ID’=> $this->job->id)),‘job’,‘description’); :)