Fresh Yii installl doesnt show anything

Just installed Yii for the first time on Mac OS 10.6.5 with php 5.3.2 installed. Directory structure is follows:




<home>/Sites/mysite/yii/yiiroot/<all other yii install files>



In my apache .conf file I have a virtual host setup as follows:

<Directory "/Users/pankaj/Sites/">

Options Indexes MultiViews

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


NameVirtualHost *:80

<virtualhost *:80>

    DocumentRoot /Users/pankaj/Sites/mysite/yii

    ServerName mysite

    &lt;Directory &quot;/Users/pankaj/Sites/mysite/yii&quot;&gt;

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride All



When I access http://mysite I correctly see the yiiroot folder and clicking on it I see the complete yii installation but going into requirements or any of the demo folders shows a blank page. If I change my virtualhost to instead point to the cakephp or drupal-6 installations I see the correct index.php files being shown in the browser. What could be the problem with yii index.php files. Is there something that I need to do extra?



Ok, I just reinstalled Yii using the tar.gz install file and it works fine. Maybe the download page needs to mention that for Mac OS the tar.gz should be installed.

