CJuiSlider & extended javascript functions..

I am trying to implement CJuiSlider into a form to manage my two time fields (ETA start and end arrival times for a job).

In my renderpartial _form view for job/create I have the below code. However I need to extend the basic javascript to a few javascript functions

So question is, how do I implement a larger amount of javascript and reference it as per the 2nd example contained at Using-a-jquery-ui-slider-to-select-a-time-range

So far I have it creating & storing values into the right fields but need the extended javascript to convert it to HH:MM format so it validates and stores correctly in the DB…

	<div class="row">

		<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSlider', array(








									'slide'=>'js:function(event, ui) { $("#job_org_starttime").val(ui.values[0]); $("#job_org_finishtime").val(ui.values[1]);}',





							)); ?>

		<?php //echo $form->labelEx($model,'org_starttime'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'org_starttime'); ?>

		<?php //echo $form->labelEx($model,'org_finishtime'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'org_finishtime'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'org_starttime'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'org_finishtime'); ?>


Code that needs to be replaced;

'slide'=>'js:function(event, ui) { $("#job_org_starttime").val(ui.values[0]); $("#job_org_finishtime").val(ui.values[1]);}',

Code I need as per example @ Using-a-jquery-ui-slider-to-select-a-time-range;

function slideTime(event, ui){

	var minutes0 = parseInt($("#slider-range").slider("values", 0) % 60);

	var hours0 = parseInt($("#slider-range").slider("values", 0) / 60 % 24);

	var minutes1 = parseInt($("#slider-range").slider("values", 1) % 60);

	var hours1 = parseInt($("#slider-range").slider("values", 1) / 60 % 24);

	$("#time").text(getTime(hours0, minutes0) + ' - ' + getTime(hours1, minutes1));


function getTime(hours, minutes) {

	var time = null;

	minutes = minutes + "";

	if (hours < 12) {

		time = "AM";


	else {

		time = "PM";


	if (hours == 0) {

		hours = 12;


	if (hours > 12) {

		hours = hours - 12;


	if (minutes.length == 1) {

		minutes = "0" + minutes;


	return hours + ":" + minutes + " " + time;



(Obviously I am going to tweak this code so its 24hr format)

Solved it myself… not sure if its the best way but it works!

'slide'=>'js:function(event, ui) {

  var minutes0 = parseInt(ui.values[0]%60);

  var hours0 = parseInt(ui.values[0]/60 % 24);

  minutes0 = minutes0 + "";

  hours0 = hours0 + "";

  if (minutes0.length == 1) {minutes0 = "0" + minutes0;}

  if (hours0.length == 1) {hours0 = "0" + hours0;}

  $("#job_org_starttime").val(hours0 + ":" + minutes0);

  var minutes1 = parseInt(ui.values[1]%60);

  var hours1 = parseInt(ui.values[1]/60 % 24);

  minutes1 = minutes1 + "";

  hours1 = hours1 + "";

  if (minutes1.length == 1) {minutes1 = "0" + minutes1;}

  if (hours1.length == 1) {hours1 = "0" + hours1;}

  $("#job_org_finishtime").val(hours1 + ":" + minutes1);


Just bumped into an issue when updating this via job/update and the slider gets its values from,


Is there anyway we can use javascript, or other means, to set default values from ones stored in our DB when we are updating this job?

^ as in using the stored start/finish times in the job record.

Ok, figured this out myself, adding it here in case others find it useful. I do this by passing an additional array with 2 values from the controller to the view and then assign them to the slider.

In my loadModel function I strip the seconds from my times so HH:MM:SS becomes HH:MM. I do not need seconds so remove them at this point.

In both my actionCreate & actionUpdate I pass another array, like so,

For actionCreate



                 'slid'=>array(540, 1020),


540 seconds = 09:00 (9am) and 1020 seconds = 17:00 (5pm). 9-5pm is my default time for arrival for a new job (ie the whole day)

and ,

For actionUpdate



                 'slid'=>array($this->getDecTime($model->org_starttime), $this->getDecTime($model->org_finishtime)),


$this->getDecTime($model->org_starttime) converts the string value ‘HH:MM’ to a decimal value in seconds.

Function getDecTime() is purely a function that converts, for example, 09:00 to 540 seconds suitable for the slider.


public function getDecTime($timestr) {

   // timestr is always HH:MM

   $h = (int)substr($timestr, 0, 2);

   $m = (int)substr($timestr, -2);

   $timeval = $h * 60 + $m;

   return $timeval;


In the views create.php and update.php I have the following (to pass on the slider start & finish times);

<?php echo $this->renderPartial('_form', array('model'=>$model, 'slid'=>$slid,)); ?>

and, in my _form.php I have the following in my slider gadget;

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiSlider', array(




Code is pretty rough but it works nicely. Hope this helps out.