Forum search replaced with our own engine

As you may have noticed, we just replaced the original forum search with our own search engine (developed by wei, kudos to him!)

We think our own search engine usually brings back more relevant search results. We hope you like it better.

If you still want to use the old forum search, you can click on the gear icon next to the search button. Thanks.

Cograts on a new feature! It looks good, though a strange thing happening - some times search results are duplicated (for instance)


could you reveal more about the fulltext engine implementation please?

Is it PHP port (perhaps lucene?), sphinx, solr or some other?

Any PHP extension in use ? (

Are you caching query results?

Are there localization possibilities (accented character searches)?

I have experience with Lucene, which seems to be quite slow on PHP port, particularly document update is costy.

Since search results on yii forum (ajax) are really good and very responsive, I am wondering what’s behind there…:slight_smile:

Thank you.


Wei: You are eligible for a ton of kudos! :lol:

Now, amazingly, you can actually search this place.

I am sure that this will help lead to a more proper quality/quantity ratio of posts. :)