Yet, model with no primary key


I have trouble loading a model from controller when the database table doesn’t have primary key. Please help… :)

CREATE TABLE `usergroup` (

  `UserName` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `GroupName` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `priority` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

  KEY `UserName` (`UserName`(32))


My model class :

class userGroup extends CActiveRecord {


	public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


		return parent::model($className);



	public function tableName(){

		return 'usergroup';



	public function primaryKey(){

    	return 'UserName';



	public function rules(){

		return array(

			array('UserName, GroupName', 'required'),

			array('UserName, GroupName', 'length', 'max'=>20),

			array('UserName, GroupName', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),




	public function relations(){

		// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related

		// class name for the relations automatically generated below.

		return array(




My controller class :

class UserGroupController extends Controller


	private $_model;


	 * Displays a particular model.


	public function actionView()







	 * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.

	 * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.


	public function loadModel()







				throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');


		return $this->_model;



The error that I get is

where prm1 is the primary key. Im suspecting this has something to do with urlManager, im using the default path urlManager.









Thank you for helping me out. :)

from Definitive Guide:

If a table does not have a primary key, it is required that the corresponding AR class specify which column(s) should be the primary key by overriding the primaryKey() method as follows,

public function primaryKey()


    return 'id';

    // For composite primary key, return an array like the following

    // return array('pk1', 'pk2');


Why don’t you want to define a primary key?

Yes, I did define the primary key column in the Model class. Please refer to my code above.

I always getting error on view / update action… But when I put the following URL, I can get the view page just fine.


So I think it must be the urlManager rule… But I dont really understand how the pattern=>rule works. Any reference?

Because I’m not allowed to modify the database. :(

if is something about urlManager replacing <id:\d+> to <id:\w+> should work

<id:\d+>         ---> \d    Matches a digit [0-9].

<controller:\w+> ---> \w    Matches an alphanumberic character.

Thank you, Flavio.

For now, I settle with only this :




Maybe I’ll try to configure the rules later on. :D