how to change directory of views.

i had a themes folder just in the same level as the protected folder.

i transfered all the contents to the views inside the protected folder coz i can’t access any model through any kind of access via url.

now it did show up but it has no template.

How do you expect us to investigate the issue when you have not provided any code. It is not clear from your description what you call in the url…how you have setup your new theme…etc.

okay okay sorry…

here let me patch things up…

i have two apps, in one major app. the front end and the backend.

the backend has the views folder inside the protected folder and uses it as its primary view.

meanwhile the frontend uses a theme outside the protected folder/in the same level with, as it’s primary view. and i can’t access some of my page due to url errors. the only accessible page is the homepage.

now, when i try to remove the ‘theme’=>‘mytheme’ in the config of course the layout and design is gone…

what i really wanna do here is, if it’s the only way, transfer the views of the theme inside the views under protected. so that when i create a new model, i can access it via url, or link because at my current state… i can’t… well at least only in the frontend app.

here’s my config.php on frontend [i excluded database info and further info’s for security reasons]

/ uncomment the following to define a path alias

// Yii::setPathOfAlias('local','path/to/local-folder');

// This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable

// CWebApplication properties can be configured here.

return array(




	'name'=>'Viasat OnDemand',

  'theme' => 'vod',	

  'sourceLanguage'=> 'en_US',

  'language' => 'ee',

  'timeZone' => 'Europe/Stockholm',


	// preloading 'log' component


	// autoloading model and component classes











		// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool






          'ext.gtc',   // Gii Template Collection





	// application components


	  'token' => array(

	    'class' => 'application.components.Token',

	    'secretKey' => 'phu8ATheT9bu',

	    'delay' => 600,


	  'dibs' => array(

	    'class' => 'application.components.Dibs',

      'currency' => 'EEK', 

      'url' => '',

      'method' => 'cc.babs', // cc.babs/cc.cekab = live  -  cc.test = test            

      'test' => '2', // 0 = live  -  2 = test                

      'pageSet' => 'vod_pay_ee',                   

      'secretKey' => 'B64E424C0AAC3BB1F53228885AC12D40A0DFC346',

	    'language' => 'ee',

	    'uses3dsecure' => 'false',


	/*'cache' => array(







                array('host'=>'localhost', 'weight'=>60),



            'useMemcached' => false,







					'levels'=>'error, warning, trace',




		'mail' => array(

      			'class' => 'application.components.MailManager',



			// enable cookie-based authentication






			'showScriptName' => true,






                'playlist/event_<id>'=>array('event/asx', 'urlSuffix'=>'.asx', 'caseSensitive'=>false)



here’s the config for backend

// uncomment the following to define a path alias

// Yii::setPathOfAlias('local','path/to/local-folder');

// This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable

// CWebApplication properties can be configured here.

return array(




	// preloading 'log' component


	// autoloading model and component classes






		// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool






          'ext.gtc',   // Gii Template Collection





	// application components



			// enable cookie-based authentication



		// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format



			'caseSensitive' => false,

    		'showScriptName' => true,  



				'login' => 'site/login',        

        		'<view>' => array('site/page'),






thanks for the help

how’s your theme structure organized and how do you call your layouts (including nested)?

i actually found the real problem, this webapp wasn’t originally developed by me. so when it was given to me so i can work on it, it already uses theming. but then when i create a new model it creates a view to the protected/views/ folder… so i can’t actually make the theme work with the views on the newly created model since the default views used is within the theme. which is located on mywebapp/theme in the same level as the protected folder… can i just transfer all the views into the theme folder?.

even if i call the css on the theme like this Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl.‘css/main.css’